This post was updated on 27 August 2020. The UK Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes are used to classify the business activities of a company. Companies House and other government bodies use the codes to identify what the company does and to sort them into their correct business categories.
Does my company need to use it?
The simple answer is – yes. From 30 June 2016, when incorporating a company at Companies House, you must submit a SIC code, otherwise your company formation request will be rejected. The codes must be provided for all companies, even if they are not active.
How many SIC codes does my company need?
For most companies, you would only need to select one SIC code that best describes the business activities of the company. However, companies can select up to four SIC codes to classify their business activities.
Where can I find my SIC code?
Companies can view and select the most appropriate SIC code using the Condensed SIC List found here. The codes can be found by clicking on the section that best describes their business activities. Some of the categories are very specific, whereas others are general, so do not worry if the SIC code does not match your exact business activity.
Can I update my SIC code?
Yes, the company can change or update their SIC codes at any time. For example, if you are a retailer selling products through a bricks and mortar store but decide to venture into online mail-order selling, you can update your SIC codes to reflect this. You can submit a new Confirmation Statement to Companies House with the new SIC code.
Incorrect SIC code?
If the company has selected the wrong SIC code, they can change this by submitting a Confirmation Statement confirming the new code. This can be done either immediately or when the next statement is due.
We are always happy to answer any questions regarding SIC codes and help with submitting the correct SIC code. Please contact us if you would like to get more information.