
Overview of taxes in 2024 – Estonia, Finland, Sweden, UK, Latvia and Lithuania

Our tax consultation team has put together a simple comparison table of the primary corporate and personal taxes in Estonia and neighboring countries. These tables are to be considered informative and general. Please note that tax rates can change. In case of further questions, feel free to contact us via email at estonia@1office.coCorporate TaxesEstoniaLithuaniaLatviaSwedenFinlandUnited KingdomIrelandEstoniaVAT…

Company health check

Boost Your Business: Year-End Company Health Check Guide

Starting a business is an exciting endeavour, but before you can officially launch, you’ll need to set up a business bank account. This crucial step not only keeps your personal and business finances separate but also lays the foundation for financial stability and growth. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of successfully applying for a business bank account.

legal forms of business in Finland

Milliseid juriidilisi vorme valida äritegevuseks Soomes.

Kui alustate oma äritegevust Soomes, peate valima juriidilise vormi, mis sobib kõige paremini teie äriplaaniga. Selles kokkuvõttes võrdleme lühidalt kolme juriidilise vormi eeliseid ja puudusi, et aidata teil teha õige otsus.   Soomes on välismaa ettevõtjatel kolm peamist valikut: Oma olemasoleva välismaise ettevõttega tegutsemine Soomes oma välismaise ettevõttele filiaali registreerimine Soome osaühingu (OY) registreerimine Allpool…