Managing permanent establishment risk
Permanent establishment audits are trending amongst tax authorities, creating disputes and uncertainty for taxpayers.
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Permanent establishment audits are trending amongst tax authorities, creating disputes and uncertainty for taxpayers.
George Osborne delivered his eighth budget as the Chancellor this year. The focus will be on long-term stability.
Several important legislative amendments came to force on 01.01.2016, which concern the working of aliens in Estonia.
Read about the main amendments of the Estonian Income Tax Act, the Health Insurance Act and the Labour Market Services and Benefits Act.
How to avoid the risk of requalifying authorisation agreements into employment agreements?
The changes to the Income Tax Act came to force on 1st January Several changes of the Income Tax Act (abbreviated ITA) came to force from January 2015. 1Office brings out the most important changes of the Income Tax Act for entrepreneurs operating in Estonia. The basic exemption of a natural person increased by 120…
On the 28th of November the Government of the Republic of Estonia decided to raise the minimum wage for 2014 and 2015. The Government also confirmed the unemployment insurance tax rate for 2014 at the current level. From January 1st 2014 the minimum wage is 2.13 Euros per hour and 355 Euros per month full…
Starting from 01.01.2012 there have been some changes in the Commercial Code. The most significant change entered into force from 01.01.2012 is a requirement, that the person has to submit to the registrar specific data concerning one’s address and the person who is not a subject of the Estonian population register has to submit his/her…
There will be changes to the Value Added Tax Act on 1st of January 2011. Most significant changes are: 1. Report on intra-Community supply of goods or service has to be presented monthly for the deadline of 20th date of each month. Previously it had to be done quarterly. 2. VAT on purchase of a…