How to calculate vacation pay for employees in Estonia, Sweden, Finland, the UK, Latvia and Lithuania?
In the following article, we will take a look at how employee vacation pay is calculated in Estonia, Sweden, Finland, UK, Latvia, Lithuania.
Country checkout. You can select from one country at a time.
In the following article, we will take a look at how employee vacation pay is calculated in Estonia, Sweden, Finland, UK, Latvia, Lithuania.
Starting a business is an exciting endeavour, but before you can officially launch, you’ll need to set up a business bank account. This crucial step not only keeps your personal and business finances separate but also lays the foundation for financial stability and growth. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of successfully applying for a business bank account.
Starting a business is an exciting endeavour, but before you can officially launch, you’ll need to set up a business bank account. This crucial step not only keeps your personal and business finances separate but also lays the foundation for financial stability and growth. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of successfully applying for a business bank account.
As the year comes to an end, it’s the final time to look over the financial position of your company. It doesn’t matter if you just recently established your company in Sweden or have been doing business for years now, there are some main rules to follow. One of the most important rules associated with…
I dagens globaliserade ekonomi blir företag mer rörliga och mobila än någonsin tidigare. Oavsett om du är ett nystartat företag som vill utöka din verksamhet, en frilansare som behöver en professionell adress eller ett företag som vill etablera sig i ett annat land, kan en virtuell adress vara svaret på dina behov. Vad är…
In today’s globalised economy, businesses are becoming more agile and mobile than ever before. Whether you’re a startup looking to expand your operations, a freelancer needing a professional address or a company looking to establish a presence in another country, a virtual address could be the answer to your needs. What is a Virtual…
From the beginning of this year stricter ID06 card requirements apply due to the introduction of the economic employer concept in Sweden. The aim is to prevent copying of ID06 cards and other illegal activities.
There are many new laws and regulations coming into force in Sweden in 2023. Several of them have existed before and are changing, but others are completely new. Below is a summary of the laws that we think you, as a business owner, are especially interested in. However, the list does not claim to be comprehensive.
We have created this step-by-step guide for setting up My Purchases and forwarding your expense documents in multiple convenient ways.
We have created this step-by-step guide for setting up myInvoices and creating/sending sales invoices through my1Office platform to make it easier for you to get started with creating and managing your sales invoices.